Treasurer/CFO Contact Information
Cliff Hetzel
Treasurer | CFO
(614) 471-7065
Michelle White
Assistant Treasurer
(614) 478-5534
Lisa Hebert
Administrative Assistant to the Treasurer
(614) 545-9241
Department Contact Information
Lisa Waller
Accounts Payable
(614) 479-1311
Maralyn Few
Student Activities
(614) 478-5536
Michelle Havens
Classified & Substitutes Payroll
(614) 545-9262
Carrie Sussex
Certificated & Administrators Payroll
(614) 416-5696
Kristel Harrell
Leaves & Benefits Specialist
(614) 479-1312
About the Office of Treasurer/CFO
The Office of the Treasurer/CFO works with the Board of Education to ensure the prudent fiscal management of the District’s funds. The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer of the district and is one of two direct reports, the other being the Superintendent, to the Board of Education.
The treasurer/CFO has the responsibility that encompasses the receipt, accounting for and disbursement of all the funds of the school district as required by applicable laws and in accordance with board regulations and policies.
The treasurer/CFO also serves as secretary to the board of education. Under this designation, the treasurer/CFO records and has custody of board meeting minutes, files and certifies certain documents. The treasurer/CFO also serves, as designated by the Board of Education, as the district public records contact. The statutory duties of the treasurer/CFO are set forth in ORC sections 3313.22 through 3313.32.
The Office of the Treasurer/CFO encompasses a multitude of responsibilities and roles that include:
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Board Minutes
Budget Development and Long-Range Planning
Capital Assets
Debt Management
Financial Communications
Financial Policies
Financial Reporting
Staff Insurance Programs
The role of the Treasurer/CFO’s Office in the school district affects all areas of the educational process. The office staff usually does not have direct contact with students. However, each student’s education depends on the staff and the utility bills getting paid, and the purchase of instructional supplies.
The residents of the district depend on the Treasurer/CFO’s Office to invest district funds wisely, provide accurate financial information, and ensure that the funds of the district are spent within the confines of the law..
Our Fiscal Beliefs
We believe it is prudent to have a cash reserve that is no less than 60 true days' cash. This is a long-term goal that will take time, deliberative discussion and a great deal of planning, which will be accomplished by focusing on the following fiscal principles:
- Every dollar spent must add value to teaching and learning and there are management options attached to all expenditures.
- All fiscal decisions will be made in the context of the five-year forecast.
- We will focus on managing expenses and diligently avoid deficit spending.
- Long range strategic planning for curriculum, technology and capital improvements must be continuously updated and followed.
Financial Reports to the Community
- Five Year Forecast
- Audited Financial Statements
- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Plan 2021-24
- Popular Annual Financial Review (PAFR)