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Gifted Education

Two students making observations on projects in a classroom.

Schools are dedicated to the idea that every student has the right to an education that provides opportunities for the maximum development of their potential. We recognize that a number of students in our schools have capabilities that far exceed those of their peers’ age.

Gahanna-Jefferson Public School Gifted
and Talented Department Brochure

Contact Information

Dr. Colleen Boyle
Curriculum Coordinator

Amanda Sheller

Phone: (614) 479-1310
Fax: (614) 478-5568


Gifted Identification

Gifted education services are available for identified and qualifying students. The District accepts referrals, screens and identifies, or screens and reassesses students who perform or show potential for performing at high levels of accomplishment in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability, creative thinking ability, and/or visual and/or performing arts.

All students in grades 2 through 10 are screened for gifted identification in reading and math each time they take the MAP assessment. Students in grade 11 are also screened for gifted identification when taking the PSAT and SAT.

Additionally, all students in grades 2 and 5 are screened for giftedness in superior cognitive ability and creative thinking when they take the Cognitive Abilities Test in November.

More information about state requirements for gifted identification can be found at the Ohio Department of Education


Gifted Referrals

Referrals for individual testing for students in grades K through 12 are accepted between August 1 and September 10 for testing during the first semester. Referrals received between September 11 and April 10 will be tested during the second semester. Referrals received after April 10 will be held for testing the following school year. The referral window for evaluation in the Visual and Performing Arts usually opens mid-November each year. 

Referral for Testing for Possible Gifted Identification

Sign from MSW library encouraging students to read

Gifted Family Resources

Gifted Services Information

GJPS provides formal gifted services as defined by Ohio rules to students in grades 3 and up, depending on areas of identification. The Gifted Education staff will send an annual notice each winter/spring to families of all identified gifted students regarding any service eligibility for the following school year. In accordance with Ohio Administrative Code, these notices are sent even if a student is not eligible for formal gifted services. 

Please refer to the  GJPS Gifted and Talented Department Brochure (PDF) for details on service eligibility and program locations.